• SITUATION A personal injury lawyer asked John to conduct a detailed insurance policy analysis. The driver who hit his client was driving a friend’s car. The owner of the car was insured under a $1 million policy, but the driver had no insurance at all. The insurance company claimed it owed nothing because its policy did not cover the friend. If the driver was not covered and the insurance company refused to pay, the injured victim would be left with rapidly mounting medical bills.
  • RESOLUTION John poured over the policy and understood the insurer’s position. However, he also knew there was a specific auto insurance law in Virginia stating that anyone who drives a car with its owner’s permission is automatically covered under the owner’s insurance. Suddenly there was a new source of funding the lawyer could use to recover hundreds of thousands of dollars for his client.

When You Want a Policy That Pays

Understanding insurance policies can be challenging. If you have a policy, you need to make sure you know what it covers, what it does not cover, and what problems could arise when you make a claim. If you have no coverage at all or need to add another policy, it makes good sense to act proactively.

When You Want a Policy That Pays

Understanding insurance policies can be challenging. If you have a policy, you need to make sure you know what it covers, what it does not cover, and what problems could arise when you make a claim. If you have no coverage at all or need to add another policy, it makes good sense to act proactively.

  • SITUATION A personal injury lawyer asked John to conduct a detailed insurance policy analysis. The driver who hit his client was driving a friend’s car. The owner of the car was insured under a $1 million policy, but the driver had no insurance at all. The insurance company claimed it owed nothing because its policy did not cover the friend. If the driver was not covered and the insurance company refused to pay, the injured victim would be left with rapidly mounting medical bills.
  • RESOLUTION John poured over the policy and understood the insurer’s position. However, he also knew there was a specific auto insurance law in Virginia stating that anyone who drives a car with its owner’s permission is automatically covered under the owner’s insurance. Suddenly there was a new source of funding the lawyer could use to recover hundreds of thousands of dollars for his client.

Advice on

  • Filling out insurance applications
  • Drafting changes unique to your business
  • Improving your current insurance policy
  • Looking out for common problems with your policy terms

Top Tips

Umbrella policy. Be sure you have it. Umbrella insurance is cheap. It adds to your available limits and fills in liability gaps in your business policy. However, its real purpose is to make sure your interests and your insurance company interests are as closely aligned as possible.

Auto policy. If you are a solo or small business, make sure you add your spouse as a “named insured,” not just an “additional driver” on your business auto policy. While this won’t affect your premiums, it will make all the difference in case of an accident.

Advice on

  • Filling out insurance applications
  • Drafting changes unique to your business
  • Improving your current insurance policy
  • Looking out for common problems with your policy terms

Top Tips

Umbrella policy. Be sure you have it. Umbrella insurance is cheap. It adds to your available limits and fills in liability gaps in your business policy. However, its real purpose is to make sure your interests and your insurance company interests are as closely aligned as possible.

Auto policy. If you are a solo or small business, make sure you add your spouse as a “named insured,” not just an “additional driver” on your business auto policy. While this won’t affect your premiums, it will make all the difference in case of an accident.